Federal Crimes
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Los Angeles Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Being charged with a federal crime is a serious matter. The federal justice system can be far less permissive than state courts, and when federal statutes are involved, the penalties can be severe. Contact Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP right away if you are facing charges of a federal crime. These are the worst kind of charges that a person can face and therefore require the highest quality representation. Our legal team has more than 50 years of federal criminal defense experience and we relentlessly and skillfully argue in your defense until your charges are reduced or dismissed.

Charged with a federal offense? Discuss your charges during a FREE case review.

Choose An Attorney with Federal Defense Experience

This is important because federal prosecutors have one goal in mind, and that is to fully prosecute the defendant and to hold them accountable for maximum penalties. When dealing with serious charges, it is important that the attorney you entrust your case to has a background specific to federal cases. Choosing an attorney that has criminal defense experience outside of the federal court system may not be enough to help you avoid a conviction.

If you are convicted of a federal crime, you could be made to spend years in prison, pay hefty fines, and lose your professional reputation and future. With this much at stake, it is critical to speak with a skilled federal crime attorney that can immediately give you the legal assistance that you need.

We Defend All Types of Federal Offenses

In basic terms, federal crimes are offenses that affect the United States government and are therefore handled by government agencies instead of the state. Since these crimes are committed against the government, they are far more serious than other crimes and are treated much more harshly.

Our legal team could defend you against any of federal charges, including:

  • Federal drug crimes. Whether you’ve been accused of drug cultivation or smuggling, we could fight to prove that the drugs were not yours, or we could argue in your defense until your charges are reduced to a lesser offense.
  • Fraud, including health care fraudbankruptcy fraud, credit card fraud, mail fraud, and more. Your life and career options could be turned upside down upon conviction.
  • Cyber or internet crime, such as identity theft and false advertising. Our firm could build a strong defense on your behalf for any of these charges.
  • White collar offenses, including embezzlement cases, which could permanently ruin your chances of career advancement or of any future handling of assets and finances. Additionally, insider trading is another business-related federal crime that could have a detrimental effect on your career.
  • Gang crimes and hate crimes, which are usually violent crimes that result in lengthy jail and prison sentences upon conviction.
  • Theft-related offenses, such as bank robberyproperty crime, burglary, and grand theft auto
  • Sex crimes, including child pornography, which is one of the worst possible charges you could face that could result in years in prison without proper defense.

Difference Between Federal vs. State Criminal Charges

Federal criminal cases are unique and require the help of an attorney with experience navigating the federal criminal justice system. Anyone facing federal charges will be looking at stricter punishment that can impact their future.

Ways that federal criminal cases are different compared to state cases:

  • Federal investigations are conducted by federal agencies such as the FBI, DEA or ATF. These federal agencies are more well-funded compared to state or local law enforcement agencies, and have highly experienced investigators who may spend months or years gathering evidence.
  • Federal prosecutors also benefit from extensive resources that can be used to develop and build a case against you.
  • Federal criminal penalties involve mandatory minimum penalties based on federal sentencing guidelines, which have much higher incarceration time than state sentences.

When you’re faced with an uphill battle, turn to our experienced federal criminal defense team to help you even the playing field.

Start Your Free Case Review with an Experienced Attorney

With over 50 years of combined experience, our attorneys fight aggressively for our clients and ensure that they are fully protected in every facet of the trial. We have obtained hundreds of dismissals for our clients and continue to add to our successful track record daily. Effectively challenging federal charges is our priority and we do everything in our power to provide our clients with an undeniable defense case. We understand how the FBI, DEA and other federal law enforcement agencies work and are able to expose any flaws that may exist in the prosecution’s case. If you want a strong defense and a chance at fully beating your charges, speak with an attorney from the firm today.

Contact a defense attorney so that your case can be reviewed immediately.

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