What Does It Mean for Evidence to Be Inadmissible?

June 9, 2023
By Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP

In legal proceedings, evidence plays a pivotal role in determining the truth, uncovering facts, and upholding justice. It is the foundation upon which cases are built and verdicts are rendered. It is a vital component that assists the courts in making informed decisions based on the available facts and information. However, not all evidence is created equal, and its admissibility or inadmissibility can significantly impact the outcome of a criminal case.

When we speak of admissible evidence, we refer to evidence that meets specific criteria and is deemed acceptable by the court. Admissible evidence is information that is relevant, reliable, and obtained through legal means. It can include physical objects, documents, witness testimony, expert opinions, and more. Admissible evidence is essential as it allows the court to consider and evaluate the facts of the case, aiding in the pursuit of truth and justice.

Conversely, inadmissible evidence refers to information that fails to meet the legal standards for acceptance. It is evidence excluded from consideration during the trial or any other legal proceedings. Inadmissible evidence is typically not allowed due to factors such as lack of relevance, violation of constitutional rights, hearsay, or improper collection methods. Its exclusion is based on the principle that unreliable or prejudicial evidence should not be used to determine a person’s guilt or innocence.

At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, we carefully consider relevant details in criminal cases and challenge evidence that should be excluded. To schedule a consultation with one of our Los Angeles attorneys, please call 888-860-0643.

What Makes Evidence Admissible?

Admissible evidence refers to information that meets the legal requirements and rules of evidence, allowing it to be considered during court proceedings. The judge should diligently follow these rules to determine what should be included in and excluded from presentation.

For evidence to be admissible, it must be:

  • Relevant: Relevance refers to evidence’s value in proving or disproving a fact central to the case. To be considered relevant, evidence should directly connect to the facts in dispute, helping to shed light on the truth and assist the court in reaching a just decision.
  • Reliable and credible: Reliability and credibility boil down to the trustworthiness of the evidence. The court must ensure that the evidence presented can be relied upon in making an informed judgment. The court should also consider the source of the evidence, the method of collection, and any potential biases or motives that may affect its accuracy.

What Makes Evidence Inadmissible?

In legal proceedings, the significance of inadmissible evidence lies in its exclusion from the case. It cannot be presented or relied upon by the factfinder, limiting its impact on the outcome. Unlike admissible evidence contributing to factual analysis and decision-making, inadmissible evidence is barred from consideration.

Let’s explore common reasons evidence may be deemed inadmissible:

  • Lack of relevance: If the evidence does not directly affect the facts, it will likely be excluded. The court strives to maintain a tight connection between the evidence presented and the issues at hand, ensuring that only material and probative information is considered.
  • Hearsay: Generally, hearsay, which refers to an out-of-court statement offered as truth by a witness not testifying in the case, is not allowed. However, exceptions to this rule exist. For example, statements not offered as truth (such as statements made for a different purpose), written statements, or spontaneous statements may be admissible. Hearsay poses challenges to the reliability and accuracy of evidence, thus necessitating caution in its use.
  • Violation of constitutional rights: Violations, such as unlawful search and seizure, can render evidence inadmissible. Protecting individuals’ rights is paramount, and evidence obtained unlawfully or in violation of constitutional safeguards is deemed tainted and excluded.
  • Improper collection or handling of evidence: Failure to follow the proper chain of custody, which ensures the integrity and authenticity of the evidence, can raise doubts about its reliability. The court requires strict adherence to protocols and procedures to maintain the trustworthiness of the evidence presented.

The Consequences of Inadmissible Evidence

The consequences of inadmissible evidence can be far-reaching, significantly impacting the trial process and potentially altering the course of a case. When evidence is found to be inadmissible, it carries several potential outcomes, each with its own implications.

Below are possible consequences of evidence being deemed inadmissible:

  • Suppression: The evidence cannot be presented in court for consideration by the judge or jury. This exclusion can have a profound effect on the dynamics of the trial, as the parties must now navigate the case without the support of that particular evidence. The suppression of crucial evidence can leave gaps in the narrative and limit the scope of arguments presented.
  • Weakening the prosecution’s case: The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, who must establish the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When key evidence is excluded, the prosecution’s ability to meet this burden may be compromised, making convincing the factfinder of the defendant’s culpability more challenging. Inadmissible evidence can undermine the prosecution’s ability to present a strong and persuasive case, potentially resulting in a less favorable outcome for them.
  • Dismissal of charges (in some cases): When the foundation of the prosecution’s case crumbles due to the exclusion of critical evidence, the court may determine that the remaining evidence is insufficient to sustain the charges against the defendant. The dismissal of charges represents a significant outcome for the defense, as it results in the termination of the case and the alleviation of potential legal consequences.

How a Lawyer Can Help

Throughout the trial process, skilled criminal defense attorneys are crucial in challenging the admissibility of evidence. They can diligently scrutinize the prosecution’s information, identifying potential grounds for exclusion.

Effective defense attorneys understand the nuances of evidence law, employ strategic arguments, and leverage their knowledge and experience to challenge inadmissible evidence appropriately. Their efforts in contesting the admissibility of evidence can significantly influence the trial, potentially leading to favorable outcomes for their clients.

If you are facing criminal charges in Los Angeles, contact Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP at 888-860-0643.


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