Probation vs. Parole: Understanding the Differences

September 15, 2023
By Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP

Probation and parole, while allowing individuals convicted of crimes to be out of prison or jail, are distinct legal mechanisms in the criminal justice system. Probation is a form of supervision granted instead of incarceration. In contrast, parole is granted after an individual has served time in prison. This fundamental difference in their application sets the stage for a deeper exploration of these concepts.

Understanding the differences between probation and parole is significant. It empowers individuals to grasp better the legal processes they might encounter. This understanding can demystify complex sentencing decisions, helping individuals comprehend the implications of various court orders. Knowing the distinctions between these two options is essential for those facing the prospect of incarceration, as it can provide insights into potential alternatives and paths within the criminal justice system.

The primary aim of this article is to shed light on the distinctions between probation and parole. By clarifying these differences, we aim to equip our readers with valuable knowledge that can assist them in navigating the complexities of the legal system, making informed decisions, and seeking appropriate legal recourse when required.

Individuals dealing with legal matters in Los Angeles can rely on Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP as a trusted resource. Schedule a consultation over the phone by calling (888) 643-2943 or contacting us online.

Probation Explained

Probation is a legal arrangement within the criminal justice system that entails a suspended term of incarceration for individuals convicted of crimes. Its primary purpose is two-fold: rehabilitation and accountability. Probation aims to rehabilitate those involved in criminal matters by allowing them to reintegrate into society while addressing the underlying causes of their criminal behavior.

Simultaneously, it holds individuals accountable for their actions by subjecting them to strict supervision. This supervision helps keep individuals out of the prison system while reducing or, in some cases, eliminating their sentence.

How Individuals Are Placed on Probation

Being placed on probation typically follows a specific sequence. First, a person is convicted of a crime with a potential jail or prison term. However, rather than having the individual serve that term immediately, the judge can suspend it. Instead, they sentence the individual to a period of probation, which involves mandatory adherence to specific conditions and reporting requirements.

Probation Types in California

Individuals convicted of felonies can be ordered to formal probation, which typically lasts three to five years. During this period, a probation officer closely supervises the individual, ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of probation.

Individuals may receive summary probation for misdemeanor offenses, where supervision is typically carried out by the court, with similar expectations of compliance.

Terms and Conditions of Probation

The terms, conditions, and goals of probation are crucial aspects of this legal arrangement.

Individuals on probation must fulfill several obligations, such as the following:

  • Paying restitution to victims
  • Performing community service
  • Submitting to regular drug testing
  • Completing counseling or treatment programs
  • Refraining from committing other crimes
  • Avoiding contact with specific individuals, such as victims or co-defendants

Violations of these terms could have serious consequences, potentially resulting in the individual being required to serve the remainder of their sentence in incarceration.

Parole Unveiled

Parole is a crucial component of the criminal justice system that comes into play after a person has been convicted and sentenced to prison. It offers eligible individuals the opportunity to be released from incarceration before the completion of their complete sentence, provided they agree to serve the remainder of their term under supervision and adhere to specific conditions.

The length of parole can vary significantly and depends on the circumstances surrounding the conviction and the individual’s behavior while in prison.

Eligibility Criteria and the Parole Process

Becoming eligible for parole often involves earning good time credit while in prison. This credit is awarded based on an inmate’s good behavior and participation in rehabilitative programs. However, for individuals convicted of violent felonies, eligibility may be contingent on serving a certain percentage of their prison sentence before they can even be considered for parole. Some individuals, if sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole, may not be eligible for parole at all.

A parole board decides whether a person can be released on parole.

Supervision and Conditions of Parole

Parole supervision is multifaceted, and the level varies depending on the needs of the parolee and concerns related to community safety.

Parole officers are pivotal in ensuring that individuals on parole comply with their conditions.

These conditions can encompass a wide range of requirements, including the following:

  • Consent to law enforcement searches with or without a warrant
  • Mandatory registration with local law enforcement authorities
  • Specific offense-related conditions tailored to the nature of the crime committed

Importantly, violations of these conditions can have serious consequences, potentially leading to the revocation of parole and the individual being returned to prison to complete their original sentence.

Critical Differences Between Probation and Parole

The primary differences between probation and parole lie in their timing and the circumstances under which they are granted.

Probation is a component of a court’s sentencing process and is typically granted as an alternative to incarceration. It allows individuals convicted of misdemeanor and felony offenses to serve their sentences while remaining in the community under certain conditions and supervision.

In contrast, parole is granted after a person has been incarcerated and served a portion of their prison sentence. Importantly, a parole board makes parole decisions after a review, which evaluates an inmate’s suitability for release based on various factors, including their behavior while in prison and readiness to reintegrate into society.

Another critical distinction is the scope of application for probation and parole. Probation can be ordered in misdemeanor and felony cases, offering a sentencing option for a broader range of offenses. It is designed to provide an opportunity for rehabilitation and accountability while avoiding incarceration.

Parole, on the other hand, is exclusively a component of felony cases where an individual has been sentenced to prison. It serves as a mechanism to transition individuals back into the community after incarceration, supporting their reintegration while ensuring public safety.

Navigating the Maze with Legal Help

Probation and parole may seem similar, but they are distinct legal mechanisms within the criminal justice system. Probation is granted as part of the initial sentencing process, offering an alternative to incarceration. In contrast, parole is granted after imprisonment and involves a review by a parole board.

Understanding these differences empowers individuals involved in legal matters with the knowledge to make informed decisions, comprehend the implications of court orders, and explore their legal options.

If you face questions or concerns related to probation or parole, it’s advisable to seek legal counsel. Defense attorneys can provide tailored guidance based on the specifics of your situation.

At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, we are here to assist in Los Angeles. We handle probation violation and parole suitability cases and can help navigate these complex legal matters. Speak with a member of our team by contacting us at (888) 643-2943.


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