Criminal Defense Results
Charged With Voluntary Manslaughter
Our client was charged with voluntary manslaughter and faced 11 years in state prison after being accused of fatally stabbing a passenger in his vehicle following an altercation.
After a thorough investigation and aggressive defense strategy, we successfully challenged the prosecution’s case at the preliminary hearing. We then filed a motion to dismiss all charges, which the prosecution opposed. After careful consideration, the judge granted our motion, and the entire case was dismissed.
Community Service
Multiple Counts of Fraud
The client was alleged to have carried out a scheme by which he would use fake store gift cards to purchase items. The client was charged with eleven separate counts including illegal use of a false or fake gift card, illegal use of false or fake information on a card to purchase items, and fraud. The client was facing a maximum sentence of 4-5 years in State Prison. The client pled to a single use of a false card and fraud and received 15 days of community labor and probation.
Multiple Charges of Unlawful Firearm
The client licensed to carry a concealed firearm brandished the firearm against a would-be attacker. The client was charged with unlawful possession and carry of a loaded firearm, unlawful concealed carry of a firearm, and making criminal threats. The client faced more than a year in County Jail, the loss of his concealed carry permit, and an inability to own firearms, which would have put his job as a security consultant at risk. The client’s case was dismissed.
Charges Dropped & Record Sealed
Loaded Firearm on Airplane
The client was caught by TSA accidentally attempting to bring a loaded firearm aboard an airplane. The client was facing a one-year in jail and a ban on owning a firearm. Would also have caused him to lose his employment. After extensive pre-file work, the Burbank City Attorney agreed to not file the charges. The record of the arrest was later sealed.
Hung Jury
Lewd Acts on a Minor
Ventura County client charged with lewd acts upon a minor and faced up to 8 years in state prison. The District Attorney had DNA evidence. The case went to trial which resulted in a hung jury.
Insurance Fraud & Embezzlement
The client charged along with his brother and cousin of insurance fraud and embezzlement of over one million dollars in assets from AIG and other major insurance companies. After litigating the case for over a year, the client ended up probation and no jail time.
Not Guilty After a Trial
Indecent Exposure
Los Angeles County client charged with exposing himself in public outside of a school. The client was facing 1 year in jail and sex registration. We denied all charges and went to trial. The client was found not guilty of all charges.
Not Guilty After a Trial
Gang- Related Shooting
Los Angeles County client was charged with a gang-related shooting. He was facing over 50 years to life in prison. The case went to trial and the client was found not guilty of all charges.
Lesser Charge
Four Misdemeanor Charges
The client was arrested for possession of a blank forged check and drug paraphernalia and faced four misdemeanor charges for a combined risk of 2 years in county jail. The client pled guilty to “failure to return a lost item” rather than fraud or theft, and all other charges were dismissed.
Case Not Filed
Felony Vandalism
A Santa Barbara client was arrested for felony vandalism. Due to early intervention, the case was referred to Pre-file Diversion and no case was filed.