Los Angeles Drug Distribution Attorney
Have you been charged with distribution of illegal drugs?
Drug distribution or trafficking laws forbid selling, transporting and illegally importing into the country unlawful controlled substances. Penalties are assigned based on quantity, type of drug, distribution area and whether or not minors were involved. The laws can apply to an individual or to an organized illegal activity. Whatever circumstances you are involved in, whether it is you or someone close to you, you want to have a competent drug distribution defense lawyer working for you. Being charged and convicted of drug crimes in is serious business. This will have a tremendous impact on you future. You want to make sure that you achieve the most ideal outcome that you can. That requires experience and expertise like you will find at Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP.
Understanding Drug Distribution Charges
Drug crimes can include possession, cultivation, distribution and sale of illegal drugs. When distribution is the charge, the drugs do not necessarily have to be in your possession. If you are involved in controlling the movement and transportation of illegal drugs, even if you have never even touched them, you can be charged with the drug crime of distribution.
Whether the amount of drugs is small or large, these types of charges carry with them very negative associations which can sometimes result in penalties that may be more severe than actual circumstances warrant. For this and many other reasons, you want to have qualified legal representation. Our firm has gone to trial over 200 hundred times; we have hundreds of dismissals on our record. Don’t underestimate the effects of this on your future. Take action now to start turning things around.
Contact a Los Angeles drug distribution lawyer today if you have been charged with distribution.