Los Angeles Hit & Run Attorneys
Charged with a Traffic Crime in Southern California?
A hit and run accident is the act of causing or being involved in a traffic accident, then leaving the scene of the accident before identifying oneself. This is a serious crime that is frowned upon by prosecutors and judges. A hit and run accident where only property is damaged is classified as a misdemeanor. Conversely, a hit and run accident that results in personal injury is classified as a felony, which means that the alleged perpetrator will face much harsher sentencing if convicted. If you have been accused of fleeing the scene of an accident, you need experienced legal representation when you go to court.
A hit and run conviction, whether felony or misdemeanor comes with severe penalties and punishments, and can result in the following:
- Two points on your driving record
- Raising your insurance rates and premium
- Community service
- Probation
- Monetary fines
- Jail time
If you are being charged with a hit and run, you need an experienced attorney who understands the laws and can aggressively defend you in your legal proceedings. With offices in Palmdale, Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles, we serve all communities in the surrounding areas. Our attorneys have over 50 years of combined experience handling criminal defense cases, and we may be able to have your charges reduced or dropped, and if not, we will defend you in courtroom litigation.
Contact a Los Angeles hit-and-run defense lawyer from Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP to get started on your defense.
California Vehicle Code VC 20002
California Vehicle Code VC 20002 makes it mandatory for all motorists involved in a traffic accident that results in property damage – including vehicle damage – to stop and remain at the scene.
In addition, drivers are required by law to:
- Provide contact information to the other driver; or
- Leave a note on the vehicle with contact information.
Stopping and remaining at the scene after an accident will ensure that any necessary emergency medical treatment can be called immediately. It also ensures that each party shares insurance information and that the process for determining fault and liability for the damages can begin. Failing to do so is a criminal offense.
What Happens if I Didn’t Stop After an Accident?
If you or your loved one did not immediately stop after an accident, or if you did not leave your contact information on a parked vehicle, you may be subjected to charges for VC 20002 – more commonly known as hit and run.
According to VC 2002, hit and run is a misdemeanor offense and is punishable by:
- Imprisonment for up to six months;
- Fines up to $1,000; or
- Both imprisonment and fines.
Hit and run is not simply a traffic violation; it is a criminal offense. This means that having such a conviction on your record can negatively impact your future. Other consequences may include driver’s license penalties and an increase in insurance premiums, among others. If other aggravating circumstances are involved – such as DUI or accidents that result in injuries – charges and penalties may be enhanced.
Experienced Los Angeles Hit & Run Lawyers on Your Side
At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, we know that many individuals charged with hit and run have never been in trouble with the law. Whatever the circumstances, you can be confident about placing your trust in an experienced legal team that makes every effort to guide you through the court process.
To learn more about VC 20002, the penalties you face, and how our firm can defend against your charges, call (818) 643-3093.